Soh-yon Park

Yee-haw! The wild west of user research ethics

Soh-yon is an advocate for dismantling 'normality' in society, focusing on equity-based design and research in all things related to healthcare. 

As lead user researcher in the User-Centred Design (UCD) team at the UK Health Security Agency she works hard to thread equity and participatory work into healthcare and public health, ensuring no-one is left behind in the prevailing care narrative. 

Soh-yon has previously worked at Imperial College London and the NHS, working on community-based breast cancer projects.

WORKSHOP: Friday 28 February

Yee-haw! The wild west of user research ethics

What could appropriate and consistent ethics frameworks for user research look like? Generally, in public services, user research ethics depend on individual researchers or small research teams on a project-by-project basis. When user research sits alongside other research functions that have established ethics frameworks (like social research, medical research or Quality Improvement), it can get shoehorned into inappropriate ethics governance or let go with less rigorous ethics checks. 

In this workshop, you will imagine future user research ethics frameworks that prioritise the autonomy, wellbeing, rights, privacy, and dignity of research participants and researchers. 

During the session you will:

This half day workshop is hosted by Leah Lockhart & Soh-yon Park.

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